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This 7 cm (2.7 inches) tall bronze figurine depicts a Valkyrie. It is based on the original figurine that was found in 2012 on the Danish Island of Funen. The original figurine is dated to c. 800 AD and can be found in the National Museum of Denmark. The figurine is believed to be a Valkyrie. A Valkyrie ("chooser of the slain") is one of a host of female figures sent by Odin to choose who among the killed in a battle may live their afterlife in Valhalla. The figurine wears her hair in a knotted pony-tail and has the long garment seen on many other female representations in Viking art. She carries an upright sword in her right hand and a shield in her left.
Small figurines like this one represented the god in question to the Vikings, just as the large, wooden statues in their temples. Smaller figurines were kept in homes to bestow the god's blessing upon the house and family. A Valkyrie figurine, brooch or pendant could have represented many things. Perhaps it was a warrior's attempt to increase his chances of entering Valhalla, or a specific cult unknown to us paying homage to the Valkyries.
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